Enrolment options

Course Summary
Course Objectives

Agricultural extension and advisory services are dynamic professions which EXAF considers to be one of the core skills every extensionists should possess. Hence the need for putting out this course to enlighten the skill-gap of extensionists with free acquisition of this learning opportunity.


There will be engaging and practicable:

  • Short Pre-Assessment test to be completed, prior to accessing the learning contents for this course.
  • Each module will also have exercise at the end of the module.
  • A Post-learning evaluation test (summative assessment) needs to be completed to summarily assess your general knowledge on all you’ve learned from this course.

We acknowledge the generous support of the GFRAS for its validation and access to utilize its learning tool-kits for the up-skilling of the Extensionists’ service delivery capacities.

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Enquiries: Extension Africa, @ G24, Abdullahi Bayero road, Railway Quarters, Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.

Email: info@exensionafrica.com

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)